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Postal History: Founded in 1956 by cross country coach Forrest Jamieson the "Postal" idea was presented to Track&FieldNews. Bert & Cordner Nelson seeing the potential of such an event quickly jumped behind the high school coaches idea. The event culminated with a National Championship awarded based upon five man relay teams and published in the Prep Panorama section of Track & Field News. Before the internet era the Bible of Our Sport supported the idea of annual fall national postal competitions. The high school competition featured a five-man two-mile & three-mile total team time run on the track. Each season's top team receiving a special championship award from Track & Field News.

1971 Postal Nationals


(Record - 73:50.6 Kirkwood, Missouri - 1969)

1    Riverside Brookfiled, Riverside,1.15:08.4
2    York, Elmhurst, Ill.            1.16:35.4
3    Clear Creek, League City, Tex.  1.16:48.2
4    Richland, Richland, Washington  1.16:57.8
5    North Central, Spokane, Wash.   1.17:04.0
6    Kirkwood, Kirkwood, Missouri    1.17:50.2
7    Merced, Merced, California      1.17:56.2
8    Clear Creek, League City, Tex.  1.18:18.2
9    Richardson, Richardson, Tex.    1.19:21.8
10   Lewis and Clark, Spokane, Wash. 1.19:51.0
11   Clear Creek "B", League City, Te1.19:52.8
12   Bergen Catholic, Dradell, NJ    1.20:31.8
13   Parkway Central, Chesterfield, M1.20:43.0
14   Arlington, Arlington, Texas     1.20:57.0
15   Clear Creek "B", League City, Te1.21:03.4
16   Clear Creek "C", League City, Te1.21:41.0
17   Reavis, Burbank, Illinois       1.21:51.8
18   Highland Park, Dallas, Texas    1.22:43.4
19   Pearce, Richardson, Tex.        1.22:52.4
20   Mt. Whitney, Visalia, California1.22:58.6
21   Wood River, Hailey, Idaho       1.23:50.2
22   California, Whittier, California1.24:56.0
23   North Central "B", Spokane, Wash1.25:02.4
24   Bergen Catholic "B", Spokane, Wa1.25:39.6
25   Lakewood, Lakewood, Ohio        1.26:26.6
26   Lewis & Clark "B", Spokane, Wash1.26:42.4
27   Mt. Whitney "B", Visalia, Califo1.26:57.6
28   Eisenhower, Lawton, Oklahoma    1.30:30.0
29   Wood River "B", Hailey, Idaho   1.33:33.0



(Record --1970,  Main East, Park Ridge, IL, 47:11.0)

1    Carlmont, Belmont, Calif.       47:32.2
2    Lompoc, Lompoc, Calif.          47:34.6
3    Mt. Pleasant, San Jose, Calif.  47:51.6
4    York, Elmhurst, Ill.            47:53.0
5    Washington, Fremont, Calif.     48:16.8
6    Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes, Cal.48:46.0
7    St. Ignatius, San Francisco, Cal48:48.0
8    Marina, Huntington Beach, Calif.48:59.2
9    Columbus, Waterloo, Iowa        48:59.6
10   Watsonville, Watsonville, Calif.49:01.0
11   San Carlos, San Carlos, Calif.  49:04.2
12   Antioch, Antioch, Calf.         49:08.4
13   Mission Viejo, Mission V. Calif.49:10.6
14   Berry, Birmingham, Ala.         49:12.0
15   Cl. Creek, League City, Tex.    49:18.8
16   Power Memorial, N.Y., N.Y.      49:23.6
17   Proviso West, Hillsdale, Ill.   49:26.4
18   Los Altos, Los Altos, Calif.    49:27.0
19   St. Bernard, Playadel Rey, Calif49:28.4
20   St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Mich.   49:29.2
21   Homestead, Sunnyvale, Calif.    49:34.0
22   Mason City, Mason City, Iowa    49:44.8
23   Clark Creek, League City, Tex.  49:47.2
24   Foothill, Santa Ana, Clif.      49:51.4
25   Leigh, San Jose, Calif.         49:53.0


1    Terry Williams      LOM         09:00.4
2    Steve Brooks        MTPL        09:08.4
3    Marc Benet          WES         09:10.0
4    Tim Tobin           STJ         09:10.2
5    George Manriquez    MTPL        09:14.8
6    Chris Cole          STI         09:16.0
7    Mark Johnson        MC          09:17.0
8    Jack Bellah         LEI         09:18.0
9    Roger Hansen        LOM         09:20.0
10   Russ Black          CAR         09:20.8
11   Mark Schilling      GAR         09:22.0
12   Ernie Ferrel        OVER        09:22.2
13   Barrie Williams     NT          09:22.8
14   Bob Grubbs          WAS         09:23.0
15   Steve Miller        CARL        09:23.8
16   Murray Collings     KEC         09:25.0
17   Ken White           SC          09:25.2
18   Dave Hagelberg      PV          09:25.8
19   Larry Gerich        FH          09:26.0
20   Al Anderson         YORK        09:27.0
20   Mike Ruffatto       WAS         09:27.0
22   Dan Lyndgaard       NR          09:27.2
23   Bob Grubbs          COL         09:28.2
24   Jeff Connell        COL         09:28.8
24   Jeff McClure        BER         09:28.8
26   Dave Bell           EG          09:29.0
27   Carlos Reyes        WAT         09:30.2
28   Dennis Trujillo     CEN         09:30.8
28   Perry Anderson      ANT         09:30.8
30   Carl Cattarin       CAR         09:31.4
30   Darrell Williams    CC          09:31.4
32   Steve Austin        YV          09:32.0
33   Ed Radermacher      MISV        09:32.6
34   Chuck Oliver        CAR         09:33.2
34   Bob Phillips        MAR         09:33.2
36   Bruce Todd          FH          09:33.8
37   Jesse Smith         ANT         09:34.0
37   Matt Chruch         HOM         09:34.0
39   Dennis Julison      YORK        09:34.8
40   John Kinsella       SOQ         09:35.0
40   Steve Crowley       GUNN        09:35.0
40   Rick Yadevia        BER         09:35.0
43   Jeff Klemann        YORK        09:35.6
43   Matt Centrowitz     PM          09:35.6
45   Mike Pinocci        WAS         09:35.8
46   Mike Porter         STI         09:37.0
46   Ron Lichty          YORK        09:37.0
48   Jim Hurt            PW          09:37.4
49   Mark Armino         PV          09:37.8
50   Joe Brennick        YV          09:38.0
50   Ed Rodriquez        NEFF        09:38.0
50   Dan Slavin          LA          09:38.0
53   John Pesek          Y           09:38.6
53   Dave Schankel       LOM         09:38.6
55   Darrell Williams    CC          09:39.0
56   Rich Razzetto       STB         09:39.4
57   Mitch Kingrey       SC          09:39.6
58   Larry Chamness      AW          09:40.0
58   Vince Clinton       KEC         09:40.0
60   David Williams      CC          09:40.2
61   Mike Scarbrough     BC          09:40.4
62   Mike Tulley         JES         09:40.8
63   Dan Gaxiola         VAL         09:41.2
63   Gary Blume          MAR         09:41.2
65   Mike Powers         COL         09:41.4
66   Pat Hindman         STB         09:41.6
67   Alex Cano           SOUT        09:41.8
68   Paul Adams          PRO         09:42.0
69   Ed Barney           CAR         09:43.0
69   Bert Lee            MC          09:43.0
69   Steve Sheffield     BER         09:43.0
69   Dave Herrnandez     NORT        09:43.0
73   Mark Morrow         WT          09:43.4
74   Bigelow             MTPL        09:43.6
75   Pat Rafferty        PM          09:43.8
76   Mark Hower          MISV        09:44.0
76   Craig Morgan        PV          09:44.0
78   Darral Hatfield     RA          09:44.4
79   Jack Martinez       RA          09:44.6
79   Larry Nunez         LOM         09:44.6
81   David Williams      CC          09:44.8
82   Jim Raising         CRES        09:45.0
82   Jeff Norton         LA          09:45.0
82   Dan Graham          STI         09:45.0
85   Tom Hummel          MOL         09:46.0
86   Bill Lator          CAR         09:47.0
86   Jeff Burns          EL          09:47.0
88   Anthony Florentino  PM          09:47.2
88   Jay Hummell         NIR         09:47.2
90   Mike Kelly          ANT         09:47.6
91   Darrle Williams     CC          09:47.8
91   Bob Neumann         BER         09:47.8
91   John Barbour        MA          09:47.8
94   Shannon Rogers      MTPL        09:48.2
95   Mark Connelly       SA          09:48.8
95   John Mullins        HB          09:48.8
95   Kent Hickson        LAW         09:48.8
98   Ben DeLaGarza       WAT         09:49.0
99   Mike Durham         TROY        09:49.2
99   Neil Coleman        AM          09:49.2
99   Steve Maloney       AM          09:49.2
99   Howie McNiff        AM          09:49.2
103  Bill Broadhead      CC          09:49.8
103  Dennis Martinez     RIO         09:49.8
105  Joel Jamison        WAT         09:50.0
106  Mark Chanciana      MISV        09:50.2
106  Pat Tobin           STJ         09:50.2
108  George Aquilar      VAL         00:50.4
109  Dave Rile           COL         09:50.6
109  Randy Myslivec      NORT        09:50.6
109  Bill Brodhead       CC          09:50.6
109  Ricky Ainsworth     FH          09:50.6
113  Ken Marlyn          MAR         09:51.0
113  Glenn Megrbach      STB         09:51.0
113  Jim Warrick         LOM         09:51.0
113  Steve Graap         SOQ         09:51.0
113  Jeff Werner         WES         09:51.0
118  Marc Mitchell       HB          09:52.0
119  Dale Harsen         COL         09:52.2
120  Jim McKelvey        EM          09:52.8
120  Mark Ogden          MOL         09:52.8
122  John Bierly         FER         09:52.8
123  Ron Hazelwood       BOL         09:53.0
123  Scott Walters       FER         09:53.0
123  Dick Kimball        JES         09:53.0
123  Matt Sommer         LEI         09:53.0
123  Johnny Harper       FH          09:53.0
128  Bill Broadhead      CC          09:53.2
129  Bob Kannenberg      PRO         09:53.4
130  Jim Kilgore         PH          09:53.6
131  Ken Logan           MEL         09:54.0
132  Al Tappe            NEW         09:54.2
132  Doug Beckman        FER         09:54.2
134  Ron Boehme          WES         09:54.6
135  Evan Jones          LQ          09:54.8
136  Bruce Sayre         CAR         09:55.0
136  Bob Snow            WAS         09:55.0
138  Richard England     BLO         09:55.2
139  Mike Boaz           VAL         09:55.6
140  Rusty Nahirny       WAS         09:56.0
140  Dave Cantrell       MTD         09:56.0
142  Steve Reed          MAR         09:56.2
143  Kirk McKelvey       MTPL        09:56.6
144  Dave Trihe          SC          09:56.8
144  Barry Pollard       MTPL        09:56.8
146  Tom Chavez          PH          09:56.8
147  Greg McMaster       MTPL        09:57.0
147  John Carty          HOM         09:57.0
149  Robert Angel        HB          09:57.2
149  Aldela Roche        CAM         09:57.2
149  Tom Riley           FER         09:57.2
152  John Dratnal        PRO         09:57.4
153  Jay Rodgers         MAR         09:57.6
153  John Arango         EM          09:57.6
153  Buddy Rogers        FH          09:57.6
156  Bob Benson          CAM         09:57.8
157  Bob Powers          LA          09:58.0
157  Pat Erbes           HOM         09:58.0
159  Mike Carris         CAM         09:58.2
160  Mike Morris         CAM         09:58.0
160  Bill Palladinia     PM          09:58.0
162  Scott Fischer       PV          09:59.0
162  J.J. Griffin        CEN         09:59.0
162  John McLeigh        STI         09:59.0
165  Jim Brady           FES         09:59.4
165  Paul Moore          PV          09:59.4
167  Jim Conlin          STB         09:59.8
167  Jon Pierog          SC          09:59.8
167  Matt Logan          CUB         09:59.8

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